Jeff Adams Pennsylvania State University
Keiiti Aki Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise
Joy Andrews California State University, Hayward
Robert J. Angelici Iowa State University
Eric V. Anslyn University of Texas, Austin
- Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
- Student Solutions Manual to accompany Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
- Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed
Cosimo Antonacci Seton Hall University
Addison Ault Cornell College
- Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry, Sixth Edition
- Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry, Seventh Edition
Joseph Badillo Seton Hall University
Tania A. Baker Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gábor Balázsi
Jeremy M. Berg Johns Hopkins University School of Mediicne
Paul Berg Stanford University
Ivano Bertini University of Florence
R.D. Blake University of Maine
R.C. Bless University of Wisconsin, Madison
Victor A. Bloomfield University of Minnesota
Sarina Bromberg
Michael R. Buche Sandia National Laboratories
Carla J. Casewit Calleo Scientific
Raymond Chang Williams College
- Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
- Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences
- Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang and Thoman’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical & Biological Sciences
- Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences, 2nd Ed
Charlotte Christensen Grinnell College
James P. Collman Stanford University
Heather Cox
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie and Simon’s Physical Chemistry
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Molecular Thermodynamics
Donald M. Crothers Yale University
Roger L. DeKock Calvin College
Ken Dill
Russell F. Doolittle University of California, San Diego
Dennis A. Dougherty California Institute of Technology
- Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
- Student Solutions Manual to accompany Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
- Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed
Michael Dubson University of Colorado
Gary J. Ferland University of Kentucky
Greg Francis Montana State University
Ethan B. Gallogly Santa Monica College
John Gibbons Long Island University
Stanley J. Gill University of Colorado, Boulder
Gregory S. Girolami University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition
- X-Ray Crystallography
- Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ED
David P. Goldenberg University of Utah
Donald Goldsmith Interstellar Media
- The Search for Life in the Universe, Third Edition
- Worlds Unnumbered: The Search for Extrasolar Planets
Harry B. Gray California Institute of Technology
- Braving the Elements
- Chemical Bonds: An Introduction to Atomic and Molecular Structure
- Chemical Structure and Bonding
- Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Susan Green St. Olaf College
Robert M. Hanson St. Olaf College
James Hanson Seton Hall University
John Harte University of California, Berkeley
- Consider a Cylindrical Cow: More Adventures in Environmental Problem Solving
- Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in Environmental Problem Solving
- Consider a Spherical Cow, 2nd ed
- Solutions to 101 Homework Problems: Consider a Spherical Cow, 2nd Ed
John Hartwig University of California, Berkeley
Louis S. Hegedus Colorado State University, Ft. Collins
Ron Hellings Montana State University
T.M. Helliwell Harvey Mudd College
Sir Fred Hoyle
Christopher J. Johnson Stony Brook University
Susan E. Kegley University of California, Berkeley
Arthur Kornberg Stanford University
Marisa C. Kozlowski University of Pennsylvania
Sun Kwok University of Hong Kong
Lisa Lapidus Michigan State University
Shane Larson Northwestern University
Benjamin J. Lear The Pennyslvnia State University
Luna B. Leopold University of California, Berkeley
Helen O. Leung Amherst College
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Molecular Thermodynamics
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Quantum Chemistry, Second Edition
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang and Thoman’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical & Biological Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
Charles Liberko Cornell College
Stephen J. Lippard Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charles Lovett Williams College
Roger Macomber University of Cincinnati
Mark D. Marshall Amherst College
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang and Thoman’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical & Biological Sciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
- Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie and Simon’s Physical Chemistry
Fred W. McLafferty Cornell University
Donald A. McQuarrie University of California, Davis
- Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
- General Chemistry: Atoms First, Fourth Edition
- Mathematics for Physical Chemistry: Opening Doors
- Molecular Thermodynamics
- Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
- Quantum Chemistry, Second Edition
- Statistical Mechanics
- Molecular Kinetics and Dynamics
Carole H. McQuarrie
- Molecular Thermodynamics
- Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Mathematical Methods
- Student Solutions Manual to Accompany General Chemistry, Fourth Edition
Thomas A. Moore Pomona College
Donald E. Osterbrock Lick Observatory
Tobias Owen University of Hawaii
Claire L. Parkinson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- An Introduction to Three-Dimensional Climate Modeling, 2nd Ed.
- Earth from Above: Using Color-Coded Satellite Images to Examine the Global Environment
Ramón Piñón, Jr. University of California, San Diego
Kathleen Purvis-Roberts Claremont McKenna, Pitzer and Scripps Colleges
Lawrence Que, Jr. University of Minnesota
V. Ramamurthy University of Miami
- Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules
- Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction
Anthony K. Rappé Colorado State University, Ft. Collins
Thomas B. Rauchfuss University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paul G. Richards Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
John D. Roberts California Institute of Technology
Peter A. Rock University of California, Davis
Peter N. Saeta Harvey Mudd College
J. C. Scaiano University of Ottawa
- Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction
- Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules
Caleb A. Scharf Columbia University
Joshua Schrier Fordham University
P. Kenneth Seidelmann University of Virginia
Frank H. Shu University of California, Berkeley
- The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy
- The Physics of Astrophysics, Vol. I
- The Physics of Astrophysics, Vol. II
Anthony Siegman Stanford University
Scott K. Silverman University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
John D. Simon Duke University
Maxine Singer Carnegie Institution of Washington
E. Brian Smith University of Oxford and Cardiff University
Björn C. G. Söderberg West Virginia University
Thomas N. Sorrell University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Thomas G. Spiro University of Washington
Michael Sponsler Syracuse University
Edward I. Stiefel Princeton University
William M. Stigliani University of Northern Iowa
John E. Straub Boston University
David Tannor Weizmann Institute of Science
Dean J. Tantillo University of California at Davis
John R. Taylor University of Colorado
- Classical Mechanics
- Classical Mechanics Student Solutions Manual
- An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements, Second Edition
- An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements, Third Edition
- Modern Physics For Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition
- Student Solutions to Accompany Taylor’s An Introduction to Error Analysis, 3rd ed
John W. Thoman Jr. Williams College
Ignacia Tinoco, Jr. University of California, Berkeley
Paul Tjossem Grinnell College
John S. Townsend Harvey Mudd College
- A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition
- Quantum Physics: A Fundamental Approach to Modern Physics
William C. Trogler University of California, San Diego
František Tureček University of Washington
Nicholas J. Turro Columbia University
- Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules
- Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction
Karl Johnson University of Pittsburgh
Sean E. Urban US Naval Observatory
Joan Selverstone Valentine University of California, Los Angeles
Patrick J. Walsh University of Pennsylvania
Warren M. Washington National Center for Atmospheric Research
Laura J. Wise University of California, San Francisco
Gary Wulfsberg Middle Tennessee State University
- Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry