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Statistical Mechanics

Donald A. McQuarrie University of California, Davis

Now available from University Science Books at a much lower price, this classic textbook has never been rivaled. It is ideal for a senior or first-year graduate level courses. Statistical Mechanics is the extended version of McQuarrie's 1984 text -- Statistical Thermodynamics -- now out of print.

Print Book, ISBN 978-1-891389-15-3, US $149
eBook, eISBN 978-1-938787-31-7, US $94
Copyright 2000
640 pages, Clothbound


Now available from University Science Books at a much lower price, this classic textbook has never been rivaled. It is ideal for a senior or first-year graduate level courses. Statistical Mechanics is the extended version of McQuarrie’s 1984 text — Statistical Thermodynamics — now out of print. Although our printing of this book carries a 2000 copyright date, this is not a new edition. It is the original first edition, without any changes to the text (except preface). Despite its age, it is still a renowned and accessible introduction to the subject, containing a large number of chapter-ending problems for students.


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Review

2. The Canonical Ensemble

3. Other Ensembles and Fluctuations

4. Boltzmann Statistics, Fermi-Dirac Statistics, and Bose-Einstein Statistics

5. Ideal Monatomic Gas

6. Ideal Diatomic Gas

7. Classical Statistical Mechanics

8. Ideal Polyatomic Gas

9. Chemical Equilibrium

10. Quantum Statistics

11. Crystals

12. Imperfect Gases

13. Distribution Functions in Classical Monatomic Liquids

14. Perturbation Theories of Liquids

15. Solutions of Strong Electrolytes

16. Kinetic Theory of Gases and Molecular Collisions

17. Continuum Mechanics

18. Kinetic Theory of Gases and the Boltzmann Equation

19. Transport Processes in Dilute Gases

20. Theory of Brownian Motion

21. The Time-Correlation Function Formalism, I

22. The Time-Correlation Function Formalism, II

Appendix A. Values of Some Physical Constants and Energy Conversion Factors

Appendix B. Fourier Integrals and the Dirac Delta Function

Appendix C. Debye Heat Capacity Function

Appendix D. Hard-Sphere Radial Distribution Function

Appendix E. Tables for the m-6-8 Potential

Appendix F. Derivation of the Golden Rule of Perturbation Theory

Appendix G. The Dirac BRA and KET Notation

Appendix H. The Heisenberg Time-Dependent Representation

Appendix I. The Poynting Flux Vector

Appendix J. The Radiation Emitted by an Oscillating Dipole

Appendix K. Dielectric Constant and Absorption



“This is the Bible of Stat Mech. It is a must-have for any person studying in the field of Statistical Mechanics.”

“It is worth twice the price and will prove to be an invaluable reference tool. It has fantastically detailed problems and solutions. I can’t say enough good things about this book.”

Donald A. McQuarrie University of California, Davis

As the author of landmark chemistry books and textbooks, Donald McQuarrie's name is synonymous with excellence in chemical education.  From his classic text on Statistical Mechanics to his recent quantum-first tour de force on Physical Chemistry, McQuarrie's best selling textbooks are highly acclaimed by the chemistry community.  McQuarrie received his PhD from the University of Oregon, and is Professor Emeritus from the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis.  

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