Dealing with Genes: The Language of Heredity
Written by two world-renowned researchers in molecular biology and illustrated with clarity and precision, this beautifully produced book serves as a text for students taking non-major courses in biology, genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology.
Written by two world-renowned researchers in molecular biology and illustrated with clarity and precision, this beautifully produced book serves as a text for students taking non-major courses in biology, genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology. It is also ideal as a primer for self-study by the interested lay person. Four color insert.
Table of Contents
1. Genes Revealed
2. Molecules Convey Information
3. Translating Genes into Traits
4. Learning to Deal with Genes
5. Cloning Genes
6. Genes Are More Interesting Than We Thought
7. The Anatomy of Genomes
8. Some Genes Move Around
9. Genes Drive and Record Evolution
10. Viruses and Cancer
11. Understanding Biological Systems
12. Manipulating Biological Systems
“A brilliantly clarifying experience that lights up the whole revolution in contemporary biology.”
-Robert McAdams, Smithsonian Institution
“Paul Berg and Maxine Singer have admirably described these complex ideas in clear prose accompanied by beautiful illustrations. If you want to keep up with the goings-on in your own cells, this is the book to read!”
-Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Gödel, Escher, Bach
“Even those with little science background can follow these early chapters and enjoy the payoff that comes next: a simple and concise description of recombinant DNA techniques, viruses, cancer, embryology, immunology, and genomic evolution.”
-Science Books & Films