Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
From best-selling author Donald McQuarrie comes his newest text, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. Intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in chemistry, physics, math and engineering, this book will also become a must-have for the personal library of all advanced students in the physical sciences.
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From best-selling author Donald McQuarrie comes his newest text, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. Intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in chemistry, physics, math and engineering, this book will also become a must-have for the personal library of all advanced students in the physical sciences. Comprised of more than 2000 problems and 700 worked examples that detail every single step, this text is exceptionally well adapted for self study as well as for course use. Famous for his clear writing, careful pedagogy, and wonderful problems and examples, McQuarrie has crafted yet another tour de force. Download a sample chapter and see for yourself what this book has to offer.
Artwork from this textbook and original animations by Mervin Hanson may be viewed and downloaded by adopting professors and their students. Figures that display the time evolution of an equation and the result of the variation of a parameter have been rendered as QuickTime movies. These movies can be displayed as animations or by using the single-step feature of QuickTime.
All browsers are welcome to preview the art and animations from Chapter 16 on Partial Differential Equations.
A detailed Solutions Manual is available, and art may be downloaded by adopting professors.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Functions of a Single Variable
Chapter 2: Infinite Series
Chapter 3: Functions Defined As Integrals
Chapter 4: Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Chapter 5: Vectors
Chapter 6: Functions of Several Variables
Chapter 7: Vector Calculus
Chapter 8: Curvilinear Coordinates
Chapter 9: Linear Algebra and Vector Spaces
Chapter 10: Matrices and Eigenvalue Problems
Chapter 11: Ordinary Differential Equations
Chapter 12: Series Solutions of Differential Equations
Chapter 13: Qualitative Methods for Nonlinear Differential Equations
Chapter 14: Orthogonal Polynomials and Sturm–Liouville Problems
Chapter 15: Fourier Series
Chapter 16: Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 17: Integral Transforms
Chapter 18: Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory
Chapter 19: Functions of a Complex Variable: Applications
Chapter 20: Calculus of Variations
Chapter 21: Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
Chapter 22: Mathematical Statistics
“McQuarrie is both an experienced textbook author and a distinguished theoretical chemist, and he has used his twin talents to produce an outstanding book… There is more than enough material for a rigorous two-semester course, but it could be selectively covered in a single semester. In either case the students will acquire an excellent reference text. I will place it on my bookshelf where I can easily reach it. I am sure I will refer to it often.”
-Journal of Chemical Education
“Donald McQuarrie has produced a masterpiece that anyone will want to have handy when confronted with the need to perform serious mathematical analyses. Beautifully illustrated with two-color graphical side bars that emphasize the principles presented in the text, and accompanied by vignettes of the lives of various mathematicians that almost make them seem human, this work is as appealing as any reference work you might imagine on this topic…I am grateful that this book has arrived to join the pantheon of needed and treasured reference texts.”
-C&E News
“This is a beautifully produced book…that makes the physical act of reading effortless and pleasurable. McQuarrie has matched this typographic clarity with a writing style that is equally inviting: informal, straightforward and direct, altogether calm and unimposing…As I went through this book, in every chapter, not only could I see myself teaching out of this book, I found myself wanting to. Seldom does a book motivate me in that way, and I think students, too, will be drawn in by its clear and accessible approach to some of the most essential mathematical ideas used by scientists.”
-American Journal of Physics, November 2004
“The coverage is extensive, and the book is immensely readable…all of McQuarrie’s writing is notable for its lucidity. This is a book of great authority and value. Few chemists whose work has a mathematical flavor will come across a more valuable publication this year.”
-The Chemical Educator, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004
“McQuarrie is Arfken done right.”
-Jerome Percus, New York University
“McQuarrie’s Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers is a well-written, carefully conceived panorama of an extensive mathematical landscape. From asymptotic analysis to linear algebra to partial differential equations and complex variables, McQuarrie provides relevant background, physical and mathematical intuition and motivation, and just the right dose of mathematical rigor to get the ideas across effectively. The large collection of examples and exercises will prove indispensable for teaching and learning the material.”
-Dennis DeTurck, University of Pennsylvania
“Written for students with a background in calculus, this text introduces non-elementary functions, discusses complex numbers and properties of functions of complex variables, applies vector notation to problems in analytic geometry, and discusses vector calculus. Some 3,000 chapter problems are included, along with many MATLAB commands.”
-SciTech Book News