Helen O. Leung
Mark D. Marshall and Helen O. Leung are faculty members in the chemistry department at Amherst College with over 30 years of combined experience teaching physical chemistry to undergraduates. They maintain active research programs in high resolution molecular spectroscopy of weakly bound species and reactant complexes and have appeared as authors on 50 scientific papers. They are both recent recipients of the Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award and both received the John F. Burlew Award of the Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society for outstanding contributions to chemistry in their formative years. According to their students, they bring “infectious enthusiasm and encouragement” to the classroom and “make you think about the big picture.”
Books by Helen O. Leung
Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Molecular Thermodynamics Problems and Solutions to Accompany McQuarrie’s Quantum Chemistry, Second Edition Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang and Thoman’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the Chemical & Biological Sciences Problems and Solutions to Accompany Chang’s Physical Chemistry for the BiosciencesView all Authors