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Python for Classical Mechanics

Charlotte Christensen Grinnell College
Paul Tjossem Grinnell College

Newly Released
Designed to accompany John Taylor’s internationally best-selling Classical Mechanics, this text provides a series of interactive computational exercises in Python that analyze classical mechanical systems from both analytical and numerical perspectives. No pre-existing experience with Python is required, as this book integrates scientific programming instruction directly into the standard undergraduate classical mechanics physics course.

eBook, eISBN 978-1-940380-26-1, US $34

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Contemporary physics relies heavily on computer programming for analyzing data and modeling systems, yet time constraints often prevent undergraduate physics students from taking the computer science courses needed to develop these skills. This textbook integrates scientific programming instruction directly into a standard undergraduate classical mechanics physics course. Built to accompany John Taylor’s popular Classical Mechanics, but compatible with other books, Python for Classical Mechanics provides a series of interactive Python computational exercises that analyze classical mechanical systems from both analytical and numerical perspectives. The exercises guide students chapter-by-chapter through modeling classical physics systems such as the simple pendulum at high angle, two or more gravitational bodies in orbit, and damped, driven oscillators leading to period-doubling and chaos.

Using guided instruction in critical programming techniques such as loops, logic, array manipulation, numerical integration, and data analysis and plotting to help intermediate physics, students gain proficiency in both analytical and computational methods. This book assumes no prior knowledge of programming on the part of the student and includes step-by-step instructions for starting the student programming in Python with the interactive Jupyter Notebook interface.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 Why Classical Mechanics? Why Python?
1.2 Who Is This Book For?
1.3 A Word of Encouragement to the Student

2 How To Use This Book

2.1 Course Structure
2.2 Scheduling
2.3 Working Through the Units
2.4 Relationship between Units

3 Description of Units

Preparing to Use Jupyter Notebooks with Python
Introduction to Python
Taylor Series with Loops and Functions
Numerical Integration Applied to Projectile Motion
Projectile Motion with Drag
Launching a Rocket
Simple Pendulum with Large Angle Release
Comparing Data and Theory for Simple Pendulum
Oscillations in a Potential Well
Damped and Undamped Harmonic Oscillators
Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillator and Resonance
Brachistochrone Problem
Spherical Pendulum
Three-Body Problem
Orbits, Keplerian and Not
Motion on a Turntable
Coriolis Force on Earth
Principal Axes of a Cuboid
Precession of a Cuboid
Masses Connected with Springs
Damped Driven Pendulum
Bifurcation Diagram
State-Space Orbits and Poincaré Sections
Appendix 1: Using solve_ivp for Numerical Integration
Appendix 2: Basic Input/Output of Files in Python
Appendix 3: Creating Animations with FuncAnimation

4 Preparing to Use Jupyter Notebooks with Python

4.1 Installation on a Personal Computer/p>

4.1.1 Python installation
4.1.2 Running Jupyter Notebook
4.1.3 Closing Jupyter Notebook

4.2 Using a Web Server to Run Jupyter Notebooks

4.2.1 CoCalc
4.2.2 Google Colab

5 Introduction to Python

5.1 Objectives
5.2 Working with Jupyter Notebook

5.2.1 Cell types
5.2.2 The kernel

5.3 Introduction to Python Programming

5.3.1 Libraries
5.3.2 Variables
5.3.3 Using Python for calculations
5.3.4 Order of operations, and left-right associativity
5.3.5 Data types
5.3.6 Formatting output

5.4 Lists and Arrays

5.4.1 Making arrays
5.4.2 Indexing and slicing
5.4.3 An aside on additional data types

5.5 Plotting

5.5.1 A few more plotting tricks

5.6 Check-out

6 Taylor Series with Loops and Functions

6.1 Objectives
6.2 Taylor Series

6.2.1 Derivation of Taylor Series
6.2.2 Taylor series for sin(x)
6.2.3 Taylor series about an arbitrary x value

6.3 New Programming Tools

6.3.1 Logic
6.3.2 Conditional statements
6.3.3 Loops
6.3.4 An aside on speed
6.3.5 Functions and other subroutines

6.4 Taylor Series using Loops, Functions, and Conditional Statements
6.5 Check-out

7 Numerical Integration Applied to Projectile Motion

7.1 Objectives
7.2 Simple Euler Integration of 2-D Projectile Motion

7.2.1 Using simple Euler integration
7.2.2 Accuracy of simple Euler integration

7.3 Improving the Simple Euler Integration Method: Euler Half-Step Integration

7.3.1 Illustrated example
7.3.2 Applying improved Euler to projectile motion

7.4 Check-out
7.5 Challenge Problem

8 Projectile Motion with Drag

8.1 Objectives
8.2 Improved Euler Numerical Integration
8.3 Projectile Motion with Linear Drag
8.4 Quadratic Drag

8.4.1 One-dimensional motion
8.4.2 Energy loss in one-dimensional motion

8.5 Linear and Quadratic Drag
8.6 Check-out
8.7 Challenge Problem

9 Launching a Rocket

9.1 Objectives
9.2 Motion of Rocket without Gravity
9.3 Introducing solve_ivp for a Rocket

9.3.1 Defining the deriv() function
9.3.2 Finding the solution with solve_ivp()
9.3.3 Accessing the solution from solve_ivp
9.3.4 Comparison between solve_ivp() and Improved Euler

9.4 Motion of a Rocket in a Constant Gravitational Field

9.4.1 Analytical solution
9.4.2 Computational solution

9.5 Launching to the International Space Station
9.6 Check-out
9.7 Challenge Problem

10 Simple Pendulum with Large-Angle Release

10.1 Objectives
10.2 Simple Pendulum, Theory

10.2.1 Period of pendulum released from small angles
10.2.2 Simple pendulum equation of motion

10.3 Numerical Solution for θ(t)

10.3.1 Defining the deriv() function
10.3.2 Finding the solution with solve_ivp()

10.4 Comparing Solutions for Simple Pendulum at Different Initial Angles
10.5 Period of Simple Pendulum as a Function of Release Angle

10.5.1 Writing data to a file

10.6 Check-out
10.7 Challenge Problems

11 Comparing Data and Theory for Simple Pendulum

11.1 Objectives
11.2 Computational Solution
11.3 Analytical Solution
11.4 Experimental Solution

11.4.1 Experimental arrangement
11.4.2 Experimental data

11.5 Check-out

12 Oscillations in a Potential Well

12.1 Objectives
12.2 Potential Energy Function for an Oscillating Wheel

12.2.1 Identifying stable and unstable equilibria

12.3 Analytical Approximation Using Taylor Series

12.3.1 Approximating the force and potential energy
12.3.2 Theoretical analysis of oscillations

12.4 Computational Solution for φ(t)

12.4.1 Computational solution for small angles
12.4.2 Computational solution for different mass ratios
12.4.3 Computational solution for different release angles

12.5 Check-out
12.6 Challenge Problems

13 Damped and Undamped Harmonic Oscillators

13.1 Objectives
13.2 Harmonic Motion without Damping

13.2.1 Analytical solution
13.2.2 Numerical solution

13.3 Damped Harmonic Oscillator

13.3.1 Case 1: No damping, β = 0.0
13.3.2 Case 2: Large damping, β2 > ω20
13.3.3 Case 3: Critical damping, β2 = ω20
13.3.4 Case 4: Underdamping, β2 < ω20

13.4 Check-out
13.5 Challenge Problems

14 Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillator and Resonance

14.1 Objectives
14.2 Motion of a Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillator
14.3 Amplitude of Driven Damped Oscillations at Resonance

14.3.1 Maximum steady-state amplitude, determined analytically

14.4 Phase of Driven Damped Oscillations

14.4.1 Relative phase of x(t) and f (t), determined analytically

14.5 The Phase Dependence
14.6 Amplitude as a Function of Driver Frequency

14.6.1 Analytical solution to the amplitude of a damped, driven harmonic oscillator

14.7 Creating a Numerical Resonance Curve by Plotting the Maximum Amplitude vs. Frequency

14.7.1 How are the widths of the peaks and their heights related, for small damping?
14.7.2 Now for the geometric interpretation

14.8 Check-out
14.9 Challenge Problems

14.9.1 Challenge Problem 1, Multiprocessing
14.9.2 Challenge Problem 2, Effect of β on the resonance curve
14.9.3 Challenge Problem 3, Multiprocessing for multiple resonance curves

14.10 Contents of

15 Brachistrochrone Problem

15.1 Objectives
15.2 Introducing the Cycloid
15.3 Cycloidal Path Length
15.4 Travel Time

15.4.1 Analytical solution
15.4.2 Time taken for an arbitrary starting angle
15.4.3 Numerical solution

15.5 An Animation
15.6 Check-out
15.7 Challenge Problem

16 Spherical Pendulum

16.1 Objectives
16.2 Equations of Motion for a Spherical Pendulum
16.3 Validating Your Code with Special Cases
16.4 Varying Initial Velocity
16.5 Conservation of Generalized Momentum
16.6 Near-Conical Motion
16.7 Check-out
16.8 Challenge Problem

17 The Three-Body Problem

17.1 Objectives
17.2 Solving the Two-Body Problem Numerically for a Circular Orbit
17.3 Numerical Integration of the Three-Body Problem

17.3.1 Two planets orbiting a central star
17.3.2 Mystery system
17.3.3 Plotting in the center-of-mass frame of reference

17.4 Making a Movie
17.5 Three Dimensions
17.6 Check-out
17.7 Challenge Problem

18 Orbits, Keplerian and Not

18.1 Objectives
18.2 Circular Keplerian Orbit (ϵ = 0)

18.2.1 Setting the initial conditions and other physical parameters

18.3 Numerical Solution
18.4 An Elliptical Orbit

18.4.1 Visualizing two-body orbits

18.5 Hyperbolic Orbits
18.6 Comparing with Pluto Ephemeris

18.6.1 Reading Pluto ephemeris

18.7 Non-Keplerian Orbits
18.8 Check-out
18.9 Challenge Problems

19 Motion on a Turntable

19.1 Objectives
19.2 Preliminary Questions
19.3 Framing the Problem

19.3.1 Equations of motion
19.3.2 Setting the initial conditions and other physical parameters
19.3.3 Numerically solving the equations of motion
19.3.4 Comparing the trajectory in the rotating reference frame to that in a fixed inertial reference frame
19.3.5 Explore different initial conditions

19.4 Animating the Trajectory
19.5 Check-out
19.6 Challenge Problems

20 Coriolis Force on Earth

20.1 Objectives
20.2 Equations of Motion
20.3 Solving the Equations of Motion

20.3.1 Writing the deriv function
20.3.2 Solving the equations of motion for a set of initial conditions
20.3.3 Plotting on the surface of a sphere

20.4 Verifying Your Code
20.5 Explore Different Initial Conditions
20.6 Integrate with Realistic Parameters
20.7 Check-out
20.8 Challenge Problems

21 Principal Axes of a Cuboid

21.1 Objectives
21.2 Coding Techniques Preamble

21.2.1 Linear algebra with NumPy
21.2.2 Classes

21.3 Moment of Inertia Tensor and Angular Momentum

21.3.1 Defining the inertia tensor
21.3.2 Creating a class

21.4 Finding the Principal Axes
21.5 Check-out
21.6 Challenge Problem

22 Precession of a Cuboid

22.1 Objectives
22.2 Creating and Importing Modules
22.3 Euler’s Equations

22.3.1 Free precession for a body with two equal principal moments

22.4 Check-out
22.5 Template Code for

23 Masses Connected with Springs

23.1 Objectives
23.2 Two Carts Connected and Attached between Two Walls by Three Springs
23.3 Identical Masses and Springs

23.3.1 Analytical solution
23.3.2 Numerical solution
23.3.3 Solving the eigenvalue problem numerically

23.4 Weak Coupling, an Illustration of Beats
23.5 Fourier Analysis
23.6 Check-out
23.7 Challenge Problems

24 Damped Driven Pendulum

24.1 Objectives
24.2 Equation of Motion
24.3 Numerical Solution

24.3.1 Defining the constants
24.3.2 Numerically solving the equation of motion
24.3.3 Coding style

24.4 Behavior with Increasing Values of Driving

24.4.1 Long-term behavior with weak driving
24.4.2 Intermediate and strong driving

24.5 Sensitivity to Initial Conditions
24.6 Check-out

24.7 Challenge Problem

24.7.1 A parametrically driven pendulum leading to instability

25 Bifurcation Diagram

25.1 Objectives
25.2 Setup
25.3 One-Point Bifurcation Diagram
25.4 Creating the Full Bifurcation Diagram
25.5 Features of the Bifurcation Diagram
25.6 Class Parallel Programming Project
25.7 Check-out
25.8 Challenge Problem
25.9 Template Code for

26 State-Space Orbits and Poincaré Sections

26.1 Objectives
26.2 Setup
26.3 State-Space
26.4 Poincaré Sections
26.5 Strange Attractors
26.6 Check-out

27 Appendix 1: Using solve_ivp for Numerical Integration

27.1 Using solve_ivp()

27.1.1 Time steps
27.1.2 Accuracy
27.1.3 Checking for events

28 Appendix 2: Basic Input/Output of Files in Python

28.1 Read/Write to a File Handle

28.1.1 Write
28.1.2 Read

28.2 Using NumPy for Reading and Writing Data Arrays
28.3 Pandas

28.3.1 Creating an Excel workbook

28.4 Binary Data

28.4.1 Writing binary data
28.4.2 Reading binary data

29 Appendix 3: Creating Animations with FuncAnimation

29.1 Overview
29.2 Walk-through Example

29.2.1 Initialization
29.2.2 Frame functions

29.3 Call the Animator

29.3.1 Display and save your animation



Charlotte Christensen Grinnell College

Charlotte Christensen is an associate professor of physics at Grinnell College. She earned her B.A. in physics at Carleton College and her Ph.D. in Astronomy at the University of Washington. She joined the Grinnell College faculty in 2014 following her Theory Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Arizona Astronomy Department. Her research is focused on understanding the process of galaxy formation through the use of detailed computer simulations. She has received a number of grants and awards, including a 2018 National Science Foundation CAREER Grant, which supports her and her students’ research into the cessation of star formation in satellite galaxies and her work incorporating computational instruction into the undergraduate physics curriculum.

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Paul Tjossem Grinnell College

Charlotte Christensen is an associate professor of physics at Grinnell College. She earned her B.A. in physics at Carleton College and her Ph.D. in Astronomy at the University of Washington. She joined the Grinnell College faculty in 2014 following her Theory Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Arizona Astronomy Department. Her research is focused on understanding the process of galaxy formation through the use of detailed computer simulations. She has received a number of grants and awards, including a 2018 National Science Foundation CAREER Grant, which supports her and her students’ research into the cessation of star formation in satellite galaxies and her work incorporating computational instruction into the undergraduate physics curriculum.

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