Peter N. Saeta
Harvey Mudd College
Peter N. Saeta is Professor of Physics at Harvey Mudd College, the science and engineering college of the Claremont Colleges. He earned his B.S. in physics from Stanford University and Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he was an AT&T Fellow. He worked on terahertz spectroscopy as a post-doctoral fellow at Bell Laboratories and on silicon luminescence as a NRC post-doc at JILA. At HMC he has worked in the fields of nonlinear optics and ultrafast science, in addition to teaching a broad range of theory and laboratory courses. He has also conducted research on ultrafast magnetic response at IPCMS in Strasbourg and on plasmonic enhancement to photovoltaic efficiency at Caltech.
Books by Peter N. Saeta
Student Solutions to Accompany Taylor’s An Introduction to Error Analysis, 3rd edView all Authors