Louis S. Hegedus
Louis S. Hegedus, left, is John K. Stille emeritus Professor of Chemistry at Colorado State University. He took his B.S. degree at Penn State University, where he carried out research in inorganic chemistry with Prof. Albert Haim, and received his Ph.D. from Harvard University under the direction of Professor E.J. Corey, studying the use of organonickel chemistry in organic synthesis. He spent a post doctoral year at Stanford University with Professor J.P. Collman, studying polymer supported catalysis. After a short period as visiting scholar at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden, with Professor Bjorn Akermark, he began his academic career at Colorado State University, spending his career developing organometallic chemistry for use in organic synthesis. In collaboration with Professor Collman, he coauthored one of the first textbooks in the field of organometallic chemistry in 1980, Principles and Applications of Organotransition Metal Chemistry. In 1994 he wrote the first edition of this text, Transition Metals in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules.
Books by Louis S. Hegedus
Transition Metals in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules, Third EditionView all Authors