Home Is Where the Wind Blows: Chapters from a Cosmologist’s Life
One of this century's most eminent scientist offers a revealing and charming account of his life and work. Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, cosmologist and originator of the term the 'Big Bang'-Sir Fred has always been ready and able to challenge established thinking.
One of this century’s most eminent scientist offers a revealing and charming account of his life and work. Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, cosmologist and originator of the term the ‘Big Bang’-Sir Fred has always been ready and able to challenge established thinking.
Translated into Polish.
Table of Contents
Part One: 34, Primrose Lane: 1915-1939
The First World War
Forgotten Times
Coming to Grips with Who You Are
Creeping Like Snail More Slowly Than Shakespeare
A Scholarship Won from the Grip of Fate
First Journeys to Cambridge
Then the Undergrduate Seeking a Bubble Reputation in the Cannon’s Mouth
Dark Clouds Across the Sun
The Last of the Old World
Part Two: The Larger World of Science: 1939 – 1958
Sir Arthur Eddington
At War with Germany
The Nutbourne Saga
The Saga Continues
The Aftermath
The Origin of the Chemical Elements
Brave New World
An Unknown Level in Carbon-12
Steps to the Watershed
The Watershed
Part Three: Home Is Where the Wind Blows: 1959 –
A Vintage Year
Droll Stories
The Montros of Scotland
The Institute of Astronomy, but Still in Slow Stages
The Thirty-ninth Step
The Bay of the Birds
Climbing the Last Monro
A Lucky Ending
“A compelling, beautifully written, and rollicking good read it is… All working astronomers and others seeking rich and controversial insights should read this book.”
“Above all, a charming autobiography.”
-Sky & Telescope
“No one should go without this book who wants a whiff of the excitement that can come from telling friend from foe, doing science, struggling with great questions, seeing how the Universe works.”
-John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton
“Hoyle blazes bright, as human being and scientist.”
-Publishers Weekly
“Every astronomer will want to read this work, and those who do will be well rewarded.”